Westminster Rd, Brackley NN13 7EB

News and Events

Sign Up! – Richard Burns Plate Tournament Sunday 8th October 2023

Instead of Club Session on Sunday 8th October we will be holding the annual Richard Burns Plate Tournament from 1.30pm – 5pm.

If you are a full member and can play a game of tennis please come along and take part in this fun mixed doubles tournament in memory of a past President and long standing member of the club.

If you are Interested in playing please email our head coach Paul Valentine, valentine.paulv@gmail.com, or our match secretary Shirley Griffith at matchsecretary@brackleysquashclub.co.uk

We will be doing a collection in Richard’s memory for Katherine House hospice on the day.

Please come along and play.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Brackley Tennis Committee