Westminster Rd, Brackley NN13 7EB

News and Events

A Note From the Chairman

Dear Members, Because of the recent weather conditions it has not been possible to play tennis at the club. The courts have either been water logged because of the rain, or covered with snow. Hopefully the coming year will be a lot better and allow many hours of play. The Committee has devoted a lot of time to the courts, particularly one to three, to ensure that they are kept in the best condition possible. A number of experts have been consulted on maintenance, including the LTA, with one more report to come. The consensus is that the courts should be surface brushed at frequent intervals and deep brushed once/twice a year with liberal application of weed/moss killer. It also helps if the court playing surface and runbacks are cleared before play begins by dragging the mat (hung behind court 3) across them. Otherwise the surface debris is pressed into the carpet and compacts, which adds to the problem. It may be necessary to employ a groundsman to undertake this work adding to the costs of running the club. As regards the proposed development by McCarthy & Stone overlooking the courts, the latest information is that it is not going ahead due to the economic climate. This takes the matter away for the foreseeable future, but of course it could return one day. Membership this year increased, a welcome development, but as always, new members of all standards are very welcome. The amount set aside for replacement of the courts continues and the Club is on track for the forecast change in 2012. It may be possible to consider phasing the work starting with courts one to three and then courts four and five a year or two later which would help spread the financial burden. The coaching activities, under Peter Cowley and his team, are doing well including the the group adult training sessions. Some adults have graduated to full membership. The courses for juniors are well attended. Welook forward to his continued success. Enjoy the coming season. Sincerely, Tony Worthington